Why Update Logo According To The Latest Trends?
Brands are turning to the power of technology it is an effect to attract their customers. The leading brands are using the latest technology offering like augmented reality, facial recognition, and virtual apps to improve their marketing campaigns.
They have a great focus to reach customers through technology, it is an opportunity to reach and connect with your audience. Your business logo needs an update according to the trend. But updating to a more modern logo could cost you some of your brand recognition and potentially even business. It feels impossible to create a or update your logo that resonates with today’s market without alienating your long term customers. You could be worry that how to update your logo design according to the trend and it looks dated in a year.
Stay in the Same Color Family
Colours are much more than just a part of your overall branding strategy and a central focus of your entire logo design. They can also evoke specific emotions within your target market. To preserve both your brand recognition and the emotions that people now associate your company with, consider how you can work within the same colour family as your current logo. This will help to maintain your consistency and can recognize your brand in the sea of brands.
A clear reason for updating your logo
You should make a clear reason for upgrading your classic logo. You shouldn’t upgrade your logo in an attempt to “keep up with the times” or to “keep your market guessing.” The reasons need to be concrete. Perhaps you switched your product focus. Maybe you merged with another company. Perhaps you’re even reinventing your brand after a bit of a public relations crisis. A logo isn’t something you should change often. when you make it, there is better should be a clear reason.
Recognizable Aspect of your logo
When you’re ready to make a change, you need to first define the most recognizable part of your design the thing that you shouldn’t change.
You probably can’t imagine Nike without their trademark swoosh.
A Google letter that didn’t feature green, blue, yellow, and red would be unthinkable.
Similarly, If the band Metallica decided to get rid of their trademark lightning bolt lettering, then how would you know what you were listening to?
Upgrade the Font
An effective change in the company would have found success with when updating your logos. When you change just one aspect of your logo design, like the font, you’re not putting the brand you’ve worked so hard to build at risk. You’re just bringing it into the future. You need to realize which part of your logo whether that’s the font, colour, or central image deserves to stay. Then, ensure that any new elements you add don’t overshadow the most important aspect of your design. There should be one single element remains the same in your logo that represents your company.
The final thing you need to keep in mind that never go for the first design until you have looked at tons of custom logo designs and choose the best from it. By following these guidelines you can update your logo design to keep up with the time.