The Bite in Apple Inc.

David Echor
3 min readSep 4, 2020


Apple Inc. was the brainchild of the late Steve Jobs who changed the way people saw computers. While the name changed from Apple Computer Company to Apple Computer, Inc. to Apple, what people really wonder is why it is Apple in the first place?

While there are no real confirmed truth to this question, many cite the founder’s love for Newton. They say that Jobs was deeply inspired by the genius of Newton — who discovered gravity because an apple fell on him. That is why one of the first logos of the company showed Newton sitting under a tree and an Apple shining on the tree branch. So, the Apple in the logo design seems to have come from Newton for sure.

Another story behind the choice of Apple is that Steve Jobs loved the band Beatles. In fact, he loved them so much that he named his brand after their record company! Of course, the Newton story seems more plausible in light of the fact that the first logo showed Newton himself.

Logo Updates

But soon after the logo was updated to just the fruit. This is the logo that represents the company that is worth more than 2 trillion today! But over the years, people kept wondering why the Apple has a bite in it! What does it mean for the logo? Is it symbolic?

Turns out there are no confirmed truths to answer this question either. But the interesting theories are worth hearing for anyone that wants to buy logo or start a company. Perhaps even for someone that is just curious. So, here are the most interesting theories:

Tomato vs. Apple

One of the best theories that I have heard to date is the Tomato vs. Apple story. It reads that a Tomato and an Apple silhouettes look so much alike that you can’t distinguish between the two. Even the leaf is not enough to set the Apple apart from the Tomato.

So, what do you think could do the job? Of course, the iconic Apple bite. Believe it or not, the bite in the logo is especially representative of the first bite anyone ever takes from an Apple, right in the middle and the right way up.

Some even claim the bite is meant to differentiate the Apple from a cherry.

Bite or Byte

Another very interesting theory behind the bite in the Apple is that its really a pun. If that is the case, it really makes sense that the company has never explained the bite because puns are only fun as long as you don’t explain them. But this pun (if it is one after all) has everyone wondering what is happening.

The bite in the apple is a play on the word “byte”, which is a basic unit in data storage. But if you really think about it, a byte again comes from the word “bit” and memory unit “bit”.

Alan Turing

The theories already presented are very much about the tangible aspects of the logo or about play. This is the theory that really takes on a symbolic perspective to investigating the bite in the Apple. This story relates to the unappreciated genius of Alan Turing. This was a man who pioneered the ideology behind Artificial Intelligence and yet faced jail time for his homosexuality.

He committed suicide by biting into an apple that was laced with cyanide. This bite then presents homage to the genius of Turing.

Final Word

But again, none of this is confirmed and it could be that the senior administration comes out and says there is really no story behind the bite. It just is there.



David Echor
David Echor

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